OK -- this is officially NOT an add for the Black Hills Farmer's Market... and I probably have officially turned into a "city girl" ... (not growing my own, but paying premium prices for home-grown produce).... But it makes me happy... so this is what you get for today!

The kids and I got ready early this morning to make it to Farmer's Market by 9:00 a.m. The sign says they are "open" at 10:00a.m. But another sign says absolutely no sales before 9:00 a.m. A little confusing? We got there at 8:55 a.m. and saw plenty of people lining up at the booth of choice (mostly around the tomatoes). They had their produce in hand, waiting to pay. Not sure what time THEY got there? Seems a little "cut-throat" to me? I'm not used to fighting people over tomatoes. But now that I've tasted one of these... I might be a bit more aggressive in the future.

After last week, I have to limit my shopping to a lone $20 bill in my pocket (plus a little change from my coin purse to pad if necessary). I'm not sure how it happened, but last week I purchased 1 single chicken (Hutterite) for $14.75. I guess the sign that said "Chickens, $2.75 per pound didn't add up to $14.75 in my mind for a 3-4 pound chicken... but the big lug was actually almost 5 pounds... which explains the crazy price of $15 for a chicken! They are really good chickens, but when you buy them from the Hutterites directly, it's more like $7 per chicken. I think I'll stick to that plan for the next chicken. Now I just have to travel east river to find the Hutterite colony!?
Jeannie asked me today what $20 will get you at the market? So, here is how I spent my farmer's market allowance...
Brown Eggs: $3.50
Raspberries: $4.00 (no picture, we already ate them all)
Purple Bell Pepper: $.80
Red Bell Peppers: $1.00
Carrots: $2.00
Cucumbers $1.00
Tomato (HUGE!) $2.25
Beets: $2.00
Chocolate Chip Cookies: $4.00 (also no picture -- yes we ate them too)

Afterward we joined the MOPS moms at Sioux Park -- Liv had a great time wandering and playing.

smiles and have a great day!
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