We started out the morning with all the kids waking up early... Always a good sign right? Breakfast was eaten, cold lunches pack and teeth brushed (a new more involved process for Thor with his new braces!) we headed out the door.

It took about 60 seconds for Thor to get settled in... he didn't even say good-bye, just looked up and waved us on...
Anika and I continued to her new room - Kindergarten #2. There are 2 K classes, each with 18 students... so a busy hallway! Anika also found her cubby (locker) and assigned chair at her table.

She noticed a coloring sheet ready at her seat, so went back to her backpack to get her color crayons. She pulled out a set I knew wasn't hers, so I stopped her and we looked closer at the box. It was marked "Gretchen"... I said, "these are not your crayons, where did you get these?" Anika said they were in her backpack. We turned around to check it out... and what do you know, but the girl with the cubby right next to hers, whose name is Gretchen, has the EXACT same backpack!!

Anika was having fun, and happy to see the only other person she knew coming into school, a boy she knows from MOPS, was seated right next to her.

She and Kyle visited as they colored... soon it was time to line up for chapel.
Liv and I stayed for Chapel - a good, but short message from the Sr. Pastor of the church... then one more round of hugs and kisses for Thor and Anika, we were out the door! Most of my friends asked if I was sad to see Anika go to K... hard to watch her grow up and move on... but I have to honestly say it was so much fun to see her ready for the next step in life.
I have so many friends who have struggled with being able to have their own children, or as many kids as they would LIKE to have... as well as friends who have children with special needs, even disabilities. For so many of them, they way "family" has worked out in their life is not what they imagined. I am extremely happy and blessed every day to watch my children do the AVERAGE things they are supposed to be doing at each stage of life. I rejoice with Anika as she gets to start on this new adventure. Anika was so excited to start school... she is certainly "ready" academically, emotionally and socially (hope the teacher knows good techniques for getting little girls to STOP talking!!). How could I ask for anything more? I would have enjoyed spending more time at home with Anika, if it was the best thing for her, or for our family... as well as Thor. But we know this is the best place for them to be at this season in life.
So... that was our first day of school for this year. Even Liv is OK at home with just me today. She is playing in her room now, making no complaints about getting to play with whatever she wants... and not having Anika around to boss her!! (just a little kidding!)
It was an incredibly fun summer... and we still have one more camping trip planned for the holiday weekend -- up to Mystic Hills for more 4-wheeling. I am enjoying a little more peace of mind during the day-time hours... spending a little more quality time with Liv, one-on-one... and being able to get the chores done around the house without 20 interruptions... In another month I'll probably be ready for the kids to stay home for a week, so we can play and have fun again!
1 comment:
How fun! Is Anika going full days this year? How does she like it?
I am starting Both the kids next week, although today, we did a bit of school for Cam and ABC's for Hay.
They are playing hide and go-seek right now, and Hay, just learning how to count, is saying, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 7 6 9....lol....
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