We tried something new this week... the Public Library in Piedmont! With gas prices looking "cheap" at $3.79 our most important summer plan was to conserving gasoline. We are limiting our trips into Rapid City to two days a week, usually Tuesdays and Thursdays. It's been going fine, and the kids have actually found more things at home to be occupied with (adding one small investment on mom's part -- a baby pool for $15)... and neighborhood friends have helped a little too.
Anyway -- the point being... we've been looking for things that are very local (Piedmont, Stagebarn Neighborhood, Summerset, etc.) to entertain us on occasion... and the Library turned out to be a big HIT! They have story time on Thursdays at 10a.m.
I even found a book to read for myself... "French Women Don't Get Fat" It might sound like a diet plan, like the other hundred-and-one diet books out there... but really this has been a great summer read for me. The author grew up in France, moved to the USA, gained 25 pounds... then went back to traditional French principles to get back to her "normal" weight... All while enjoying the high culinary standards of her home culture.
The thing I love most about the book so far is re-training myself to enjoy REAL foods (not processed junk) with full flavor -- sometime meaning full-fat -- but to keep them in moderation. An inch-by-inch piece of very good chocolate is better than a whole box of cheap chocolate.
I've known these principles most of my life... but frankly sometimes I just get too lazy to keep up with them... and kids tend to be a good excuse to "dumb down" the food quality.
This week we made our first trip to the Farmer's Market -- and supper was 95% what we bought from the stands... all locally grown... all organic or nearly.... and all FRESH!! We made BLTs tonight with the most incredible tomato I have ever tasted!! I don't usually like tomatoes plain... but this one was WOW!! (I can highly recommend an heirloom variety for anyone out there shopping!!)
Tomorrow we are having fresh raspberries with yogurt and pancakes!! Can't wait!
I've heard of that book. I need some serious self control right about now when it comes to food! Does it give recipes and such?
With the house being hot, its way easier to go get something than start up the stove.
I do have a container of yours still...from the last MOPS meeting...whoops...will you be in town tomorrow?
So are you planning on preparing the "Magical Leek Soup"? It is a great book, with lots of practical advice, but I have a hard time following it. I blame it on FF's grocery stores. :-)
Anyway...Hello! It's been TOO long since we have chatted. You have a great looking family. Love being able to see what's going on in your life.
Another good book is "Real Food" by Nina Plank. Happy Reading!
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