Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Winter Fun!!

We've been home from Kamp Kinship for the 1st Annual Moeller family Winter Fest and I STILL haven't made it to the computer to upload my photos OR chronicle a single happening!!

It truely was a wonderful family weekend!!! You'll hear that about 100 more times... but I think I'll wait with the details until I have the photos ready. Pics speak 1000 words... so I can type a LOT LESS! ha ha !!

I was a little "under the weather" the first few days after the Kamp trip, so I'm still catching up on laundry... and sleep.... I'm starting to feel back to normal now. :)

Just have a quick little story about Liv....
She has decided she doesn't like eating what the rest of us are eating at meals. (thor jr. in the making so far :) ... so we try to take it in stride, not making too big of a deal about it, but only having healthy options around the house.

She said she was hungry as I was working in the kitchen one afternoon. I said, OK... what would you like.
Liv: I want a bicycle
Mom: what? a what?
Liv: a bicycle
Mom: ummm... can you show me
Liv (goes to the freezer and pulls open the door)
Mom: OH... a Popcicle!!! Ok sweetie! :)

1 comment:

Aaron, Angie, Hailey, Lexi, and Jacob said...

That's cute! Glad you had a great weekend and that you're feeling better now. I completely understand how things get "piled up" when us moms aren't able to get them done. :)