Thanksgiving week was SOOO much fun. I have pictures (coming) from other sources from the holiday, because I'm really bad about taking pictures... but here is a quick run down of my FAVORITE holiday:
- Dirk arrived home from WY on Tuesday evening.
- The kids had a 1/2 day of school, officially "Grandparents Day" so Grandpa Alan
and Grandma Cleo got the honor of carpooling and attending class!
- Dirk, Liv and I bought our Christmas tree!! Thanks for planning ahead babe!
- Wed evening Lance, Gretchen, Tori and Logan arrived from Fargo, ND
- Logan (3) announced they were here to see his dad's brother... guess the rest
of us didn't count for much!?! (until later... he and Thor are great buds now!)
- Played "Settlers of Caanan" with Lance & Gretchen
Thanksgiving Day!
- We loaded up food, kids and more to Ted's home outside of Hot Springs
- Dinner was GREAT, as usual... Mom's stuffing recipe is the BEST
- Kids got to play a Thanksgiving Day Scavenger hunt... GREAT idea Gramma Jan!
- Ride-giving abounded: 4-wheelers, tractor, horseback...
- With such nice weather it was hard to stay inside long enough to play games
- Turkey Foot Dominoes was accomplished! 2 games at least...
- Someone was watching the football games, but it wasn't me...
- Played "Settlers of Caanan" with Lance & Gretchen
- Made Gingerbread house cookie dough, and baked...
- The "boys" went to town for gun-store shopping & etc!
- Played "Settlers of Caanan" with Lance & Gretchen (we are HOOKED!)
- Made frosting for Gingerbread houses... started assembling the 6 houses
- The "boys" went to the RUSH hockey game!! Whoo hoo!! Rush won, of course!!
- Decorated the Gingerbread houses... and ate LOTS of candy...
- who needs supper after all that candy?
Dirk spend this past weekend in WY intending on working... but the temps dropped so fast and so low, he needed to spend a day getting the skirting on the camper. One day after work he came "home" to find the propane had run out... the camper was VERY cold... and the water had nearly froze ... he said the water came out in ice chucks at first, then flowed after a moment!! That was a CLOSE call!! PTL it was OK. But he needed to get the winterization process done! I think it looks pretty good for plain old plywood sheets!
Dirk says he is MUCH warmer now... and shouldn't have to worry about freezing anymore! Usually he's the one keeping ME warm at night!! Imagine how cold I am right now?! (just kidding... :)
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