What's new for....
Dirk: customer in New Mexico is still using the rented machines from Butler Cat, and plans to keep using the machines until the end of Sept. Estimated "home" date now moved (again... sigh...) to the middle of October. This IS a repeating pattern for all you lovely family and friends who keep asking... it's been happening since the original "wrap up date" the end of April.... I'll count on it when I see his tools back in the garage (smiles.)!
Dirk is planning to be home for a long weekend toward the end of September. No permanent plans (meaning, we haven't purchased an airline ticket yet!).
Nancy: MOPS started on Tuesday this past week -- "Life on Planet Mom"... it's a great theme actually, as no other person can really relate to what life is like as a SAHM except another SAHP(parent).
Even more, I am loving our Mom's Coffee group at Dove - every Thursday. We just started a new book, "Growing Kids God's Way." It is rockin' my world!! I never knew how much I WASN'T getting as a parent.... my eyes are opening, and hopefully it means a better experience through the growing up years for all of us. It's not that our kids were terribly challenging kids, maybe more that I had forgotten how to "speak" to my kids about what God's Word says!! Lesson One, growing a heart that Loves God's ways in our children, was so important for all of us!!
Thor: Life in 4th grade has been good. He loves his teacher and loves her approach to teaching -- seems like everything is just more interesting this year! Good thing since the homework is a bit harder and responsibilities have increased too. No sports yet... I'm enjoying the "lull" until hockey starts in about a month. Of course the play date invitations never end... Dirk says we are just a family of social net workers!!
Anika: 1st grade brings daily homework. The first night Anika was really excited to sit at the kitchen table with Thor and do her homework. By night two she was DONE with the responsibility of homework!! Oh how quickly the novelty wears off, huh?? We've found happiness in the middle ground of not LOVING extra work, but realizing if she just does it when she gets home, it's over and she has the rest of the night for free time.... Anika is beginning to love cooking in the kitchen, as long as we pretend we are "Martha Stewart and guest" doing a TV show, telling our audience how to cook whatever the recipe of the day is.... Oh dear...??
Liv: I suppose potty training would be a good idea now that she is 2 1/2 ... but frankly I'm just not in a rush. I get too frustrated when there are accidents, mostly because I knew I forgot to take her to the potty when I should have. Her favorite play time is "tea party" out on the deck with her dollies.
1 comment:
I am glad school is going well for the kids! Maynard is now in big boy undies, and he is almost 4, so you are doing good!
Sorry to hear that Dirk is still gone. Randy will be changing contracts here in a few days, so he might be gone a lot too.
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