Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spring 2009

yes, it is spring... but SD forgot... or at least the black hills did... In 13 days we have had 3 major snow storms... of the proportion that usually shut down our "world" for 2-3 days. The kids have gone to 6 days of school in the past two weeks... not that they are complaining! March 23rd snow: 10 inches (shoveled by hand) March 30th snow: 11 inches (used snowplow!!) April 4th snow: 12 inches (can't even get out there yet, it's still falling) This video says much more than I could...


Gordostyle said...

Love the video! Cool!


P.S. Good to see you today!

BareFoot Finn said...

Very Cute! When do kids stop eating snow off of their gloves? LOL!

Have a great time in Denver!