Anika gets and idea, contemplates the options, and then.... she is SET. Sometimes I wonder if she really needs us (parents) anymore? If we really had any serious objections, of course, she would have had to live with our decision... but we didn't... so our gift to her was a trip to Claire's today to get her ears pierced!
She was talking about "facing her fears" all morning. The point of this was not to make her afraid of anything... or force her to get her ears pierced. So I talked with her about how this was her choice. She could decided not to do it at any moment, even if we were at the store and just about ready to begin. She did not HAVE to get her ears pierced. She said, "if I decide not to do it today, can we go back tomorrow?" I said, "no, if you decided you don't really want it done today, that is just fine. We'll just go to the mall and have a fun 'date' together. But we won't talk about getting your ears pierced until after your 7th birthday."
That didn't sound good to her, I guess... SO, today was THE day! She was happy and excited, and of course a bit nervous. Here we are at Claire's. Waiting for the clerk to start the process!
Happy Birthday BRAVE girly girl! You're the cutest!
Looks like she had fun! What does Dad think?
Happy Birthday A! (BELATED!)
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