Saturday, April 26, 2008


This is a slight plagerism (is that spelled right?) from my friends post... from her blog... but I know so many of our family will get a kick out of hearing the story... that I don't mind copying... Plus I'm tired of thinking and hearing about Oprah.

So anyway -- on Friday we were at Safeway getting our groceries for the week. We round the corner into the "natural food" isle to see our good friends right in front of us. C and her two boys attend MOPS with me.. and her oldest son is in Anika's class. We also frequent the Y together, so we see each other a few times a week. I knew her family was getting ready for a long-ish trip to Montana to spend time with family in the next few days... so the topic immediately came up.

C's oldest son runs right up to Anika (by the way, you should probably know she is dressed in a purple satin Chiniese-type formal dress, with tight and dress shoes, holding her doll who has a matching outfit (birthday present....). So she is very excited to tell EVERYONE she meets that it was her birthday THAT day! She is an ACTUAL FIVE today (since at her party the weekend before, we mentioned that she wasn't "actually" 5 yet, but would be in a few days).

OK - back to the point... So C's son comes up to Anika very excited to share that he is leaving soon, and going to Montana. Anika replies "Hannah Montana? I LOVE Hannah Montanta!!" They were mutually happy for each other, so I figured it wasn't worth explaining anything to either of them!!

Have a great trip C and family!

1 comment:

BareFoot Finn said...

Its fine! Kids are so great aren't they?

We are enjoying our time in Montana! Will blog soon!