I LOVE the break week between Christmas and New Years... the problem is getting anything accomplished! Anika and Thor are both having sleep-overs, so it's just Liv, Lars and me... and I'm only getting in the shower at 11:00 a.m.!!
I'm getting obsessed with home improvement projects... I only have three in mind for the next month (well maybe 4 or 5...). I'm just not a patient person when it comes to projects. When I have formulated a plan -- and I know what needs to be done... I DO IT! I might let one or two of the projects wait until mid-February... but that is the latest.
For one thing... we have heard the "Word" ... "Be Prepared!" -- that means get stuff done now so that we are FREE to "do" when the Lord moves. I don't want to be messing around with getting my house in order when the Lord has some ministry for us to be doing... often our home is part of that ministry. Either way, having our home in order frees my mind up to be able to minister. I'm not sure what is coming -- I just know we are supposed to BE PREPARED!!
In other ways, winter is a great time for home-projects, because in the spring, summer and fall we want to be OUT enjoying life with our family. We are looking forward to a year with Dirk working from home and want to enjoy our Black Hills again -- lots of camping -- day trips to the lake -- hunting next fall for Dirk and Thor together... etc.
It's going to be an exciting 2011!!
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