Yes!! Winter is officially here in South Dakota. We had 70+ degree days on Monday and Tuesday. Thursday morning we have awoken to 5-8 inches of snow!!
It's not just snow... it's heavy, wet, sticky snow... and 70 mile per hour winds. I guess this is officially a blizzard! The roads, perhaps, would not have been terribly dangerous... but the visibility sure is! The Interstate is closed from Wyoming to Wall. Perhaps even further by now. I heard the storm is expected on the eastern side of the state this evening.
Dirk got a call at 6 a.m. telling him to stay home. This kids only had school until 11:15 a.m., needless to say that was cancelled also. We made waffles for breakfast... with the usual topping: maple syrup, peanut butter, sliced bananas and whipped cream (in that order). The kids wanted OUT in the snow immediately. We dug out last years snow pants, and gear. (BTW Thor will need a NEW pair of snow pants ASAP!!) By the time I got Thor, Anika and Liv dressed and out the door... found my own coat and boots... Liv was ready to come back in!
After lunch and mid-day naps, we headed out into the snow again. The temps are very nice... but the wind is ferocious. Our house faces an east-north-ish direction so we have been partially blocked from some of the wind. If the kids stay right in front of the garage door, it's actually fun to play for quite a while.
Thor is actually still going strong, just over 2 hours outside now! Dirk is blowing and shoveling the drive/walks, etc. If we get a hard freeze tonight, there won't be any moving of this snow!!
You can tell from the photos, it's still coming down pretty good. It just feels gray outside, from all the blowing snow. Dirk got the sleds/toboggan out for the kids. We have sort of a ramp shape from the drifts in the front yard.
Can you see the snowflakes on Liv's eyelashes?
Hi Miss Nancy this is Jordan from church and leive looks soooooo cute i really like her picture of when she was having fun at her grandma's lol.
Your pictures further down are really cute Anika is just the little diva lol but it is sooooooo cute
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