Friday, August 27, 2010


OK -- so I realize being "plus size" and pregnant it isn't always the most obvious thing in the world -- and I'm not offended when people don't recognize immediately that the belly is a baby bump... but at 8 months pregnant... to me, anyway, I think it's looking a little more obvious. Apparently not....

I was at Target the other day picking up a few baby supplies that I had coupons for -- and a couple of baby shower gifts. As I'm in the baby shampoo and lotion isle a young cute VERY pregnant mom and what I'm assuming was her mother came down the isle. They were commenting about too many choices for baby soap, etc. and the "grandma" figure asked me, "is someone you know having a baby soon," as she glanced in my cart full of baby diapers, lotions, soaps, bibs, etc.

I replied "Yes... me."

"oh! When is your due date?"

"The end of September"

"OOH!... (pause) Is this your first baby?"

"No, this is our 4th." (smiling)

"OOOOHHHH... (pause, again) Well then you must know about all this stuff.... " And the grandma proceeded to ask a few questions about what toiletries I preferred, if I had nursed any of my babies; did I have a good experience at the hospital here, etc.

We chatted nicely for a few more minutes. Then she finished with this comment as I was walking away with my cart...

"I should have realized you were pregnant, look at the size of your boobs!"

(really? it was my "boobs" that gave it away???)

1 comment:

Aaron, Angie, Hailey, Lexi, and Jacob said...

I can't help but laugh at that...sorry! :) It probably comes because I 'wish' that's how people would have been able to know that I was pregnant by looking at me. lol
I haven't ever seen you really pregnant, but I'm sure you're radiant just like all the other pregnant ladies. Excited to see baby boy Morrison when he makes his appearance in just over a month! :)